The Slipper Launch Collection

Thames Traditional Boat Rally 2002

The rally was held at Fawley Meadows, Henley-on-Thames on the 20th and 21st July 2002. 


The Slipper Launches in attendance were:

Ayesha Peace and Quiet Chatterbox III Knight Errant
Swanella Flying Fox Picardie Larchwood
White Streak Forever J Meriden Crescent Moon
Portofino Symbol Rosie Lee Lady Ritson

and the passers by included:

Minivet Farewell    


Thames Traditional Boat Rally 2002 pictures.....   

Slipper tails and Ensigns



Recently restored Knight Errant. 

Ready for the off!



Gracious are the Meakes

A passing Bride and Groom! in Minivet.


The Andrews Trophy

For Andrews slipper stern launches, awarded for restoration and maintenance.

Awarded to Portofino   -  Owner: J. Calvert


The Cuthebert Trophy

For slipper stern launches (except Andrews), awarded for presentation and closeness to original.

Awarded to Forever J  -  Ower: M. Bignall & J. Webber


The Rosie Trophy

Awarded to Swanella  -  Owner: J. Llewellyn


The Osland Trophy

Awarded for structural restoration.

Awarded to Kinght Errant  -  Owner: R. Winton Taylor


The Sheila Bourne Trophy

Best boat in show.

Awarded to Kinght Errant  -  Owner: R. Winton Taylor